Kayak Sportfishing presents the        
2nd Annual Kayak Sportfishing Tournament - Dana Point
Saturday March 12th, 2005



Address ___________________________________________Phone Number ________________________

City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________

*Select a division (circle only one):   [Catch and Release Bass ]    or     [Big Fish ]

The cost to enter is $30 if you pre-registered before Thurs, March 10th ($40 day of the event).   Please make checks or money orders payable to Kayak Sportfishing


(Clearly print your name) I ______________________________________________________ am aware that using watercraft including but not limited to kayaks, exposes me to certain hazards, including but not limited to injury or death, illness or medical emergency, including the risk of drowning; and damage to loss or theft of vessel and/or equipment or other personal possessions, during the use of the kayak, including the transport of the vessel and equipment.

Kayaking and kayak fishing poses significant potential hazards including risk of injury or death.  Each person (s) involved in kayaking or kayak fishing needs to understand there are potential risks and hazards when kayaking or kayak fishing.

I hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless Kayak Sportfishing and all of their owners, agents, event organizers, hosts, officials, sponsors, or anyone else associated with this event from any and all liabilities, cause of action, claims, demands, costs or debts of any nature, arising out of negligence or otherwise.  I assume all risks of the kayak and equipment, in transport and use by myself, and all of the potential hazards and dangerous conditions associated with its use and transport. 

I assume responsibility for all such risks and hazards associated with this event.

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Mail signed entry form and payment to:

Kayak Sportfishing    P.O. Box 4283    West Hills, CA.  91308