Getting "Chummy"with Mr. "T

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Posted by Bent Rod on 19:06:06 07/31/03

You have just read the boards and sharks have been caught off the usual places, LJ Canyon, outside Dana Harbor, off Corral Beach in Malibu. The post are all saying that "I caught my shark on lure "X",and that IS the ticket to slay those bad boys! So you drive down to the local tackle shop and buy lure "X"and you are ready for battle at first light the next day come hell and high water! You get out and paddle and paddle and then paddle and paddle some more... all the time dragging lure "X"with you... and the only thing to show for it is that you are getting a great workout(rats!).
What the heck happened?
To start with, the guys posting the day before didn't tell you the important things you need to know. Sure, they told you that they caught that monster on lure "X", but didn't tell you about the tide status, the conditions and "for some reason they didn't understand why there was TONS of BAIT around...."
Sharks are tide biters and they follow the BAIT...the smart guys spend the time between tide change getting bait and then fish the sharks exclusively the one and a half hours before, and one and a half hours after tide change, including the slack tide. It actually doesn't matter that much if it's changing from low tide to high tide, or high tide to low (I do give the nod to: from high tide to low though). Also, they didn't tell you about the water conditions they caught that shark in yesterday and yesterday was yesterday....Was this shark caught on a current break? Was it caught on the line between the green dirty water and clear water? What about depth? What about the current? All we know is that it was caught on lure "X" and in lock step we all went to the local tackle store that afternoon to buy lure "X" to catch that monster shark the next morning.
Mr. "T"and bait:
The favorite food of the Thresher Shark is the Anchovy.
That is exactly right, the Anchovy, they will hit the other baits, sardines and the Mac's, but there IS a reason that the people in the know, will always fish the small 6"- 8" Mackerel for bait, because a Thresher will hit a small Mac and not a "Big Mac" (Sorry McDonalds). Now then, if you are going to fish a Mac for the "T's"is to do this: just before the tail of any fish (the fish that have split tail's like YT's, Tuna Mac's, etc.) have tendons joining the mussel and tail together. Cut into only one side of a Mac just before the tail to sever the tendons and you will have a bait that will give off vibrations that will attract predators.
The other thing you may want to think about is getting "Chummy"with the sharks. I have yet to find a kayaker fishing for Mr. "T" with a chum bucket in the water and to me it is almost a sin not to do this! I know, you are trolling for sharks and that dang chum bucket is not needed because I'm trolling, and it's a real drag to tow around to boot. Think of it this way, are you there to catch fish? or are you there to have a workout? When you "make bait"take the extra home with you, grind it up, put it in a bucket (I have found that a 1/2 gallon bucket works great with the yak) freeze it and on the next trip, hang it over the side of the yak. Doing this will help you make bait again first and it will catch you more fish later in the day, including Calico's, Halibut, WSB, YT, Tuna and of course Mr. "T".

Bent Rod

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